This was written in response to our congregation’s decision that we would not meet in-person until 2021 and, coincidentally, announced on the same weekend that President Trump declared that all houses of worship were essential and should re-open.
We never closed.
We have shifted
We have adapted
We have changed
We have struggled
We have had technical difficulties
We have extended grace
We never closed.
We have laughed
We have wept
We have wondered
We have celebrated
We have grieved
We have yearned
We never closed.
We have lost connections to some
We have found new relationships with others
We have lived the fullness of the Table of God
We never closed.
We have worshipped in new ways together
Praying together
Confessing together
Hearing together
Singing out of sync “together”
Being sent into the world to serve together
We never closed.
Someday we will gather again
Someday we will hug again
Someday we will fully rejoice in this expanding Body of Christ that God is revealing before us
But that day has not yet come.
So for now, we will continue being the gathered church
Called together
Praying together
Exploring the Word together
Seeking justice together
Serving together
We are the church.
We are the Body of Christ.
We never closed.